Tips from a Successful Partner Shop

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I recently had a conversation with Jeremy, owner of 123 Glass, a partner auto glass shop in our Seattle market. has been a very profitable experience for him and I asked him about what he does to be successful. As we talked, 4 points jumped out at me:

1. Use Good Sales Skills and Follow Up Quickly. First he talked about the importance of sales skills for all of those who talk with customers. Clearly, his group is skillful because his conversion rate for online orders is over 90%, which is pretty amazing.

2. Price Appropriately. Secondly, Jeremy is a good businessman. He knows that to stay profitable and stay in business with he needs to include the cost of our service in his auto glass pricing.

3. Encourage Customer Ratings. Jeremy is also acutely aware of the importance of good customer ratings. His crew works hard to do great work and encourages customers to complete the rating questionnaire. As a result, he has top ratings, and 100% of his past customers would recommend 123 Glass to someone else.

4. Talk to Advisors. Finally, Jeremy has called our customer care group when he has questions about billing, his market, or how our customer ratings system works.

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Jeremy is making use of all the tools to be successful—sales skill, profitable pricing, customer ratings, and advisors—and it’s working. For us here at, it’s great to see an auto glass shop taking the system and running with it, and in the process helping us to make it even better.